GMM: A Resounding Success! After a long hiatus due to Covid-19, the General Membership Meeting of the American Branch of the Richard III Society was held on October 28-30 at the Hyatt Regency Dulles Airport hotel and business center. Thirty-five members and their partners traveled from Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Oklahoma, Ohio, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virgina.  An additional twenty members attended by Zoom. This was the

In-Person Registration Ends Oct 10; Zoom Tix Still Available Hurry! Today is the final weekend that in-person tickets to the GMM will be for sale.  Tickets for the Zoom version of the GMM will be on sale until Oct 21.  You can purchase both through our Eventbrite page. The 2022 GMM will be held near Washington, D.C. on Oct 28-30.  Read about all of the event details, speakers, and more

  Coming to Mailboxes Soon; Read It Online Now The latest issue of the “Ricardian Register” is online for American Branch members to read now.  (Member password required to read current issues.)   The print edition, along with important Branch voting ballots and bylaws, will be shipping out very soon.  Look to receive them in the next few weeks and please, don’t forget to vote!   Inside This Issue  

Wales & The Wars of The Roses Aberystwyth University Lifelong Learning presents an online course beginning Oct.4, 2022, “Wales and The Wars of The Roses.”   This self-paced course is open to anyone regardless of location, and there are no prerequisites.  Your tutor is Dr. Matthew Ward, member of the UK Branch.  FOR MORE INFO Please note, this is NOT a Society-sponsored event and membership to the Richard III Society is