Bertram Fields Obituary by Susan Troxell Bertram Fields, prominent Hollywood attorney and author of Royal Blood: Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes, passed away on August 7, 2022, aged 93, due to complications of Covid-19. Royal Blood is a lawyerly analysis of the accusation that Richard III murdered the Princes in the Tower. The book garnered commercial success and positive reviews in the Wall Street Journal, Publisher’s Weekly,

New Additions to the Fiction Library The latest additions to the fiction library include two novels about Cecily Neville which take very different approaches in telling her story as well as the latest (and last?) installment in J.P. Reedman’s I, Richard Plantagenet series. If you are in the mood for a rousing adventure story, you may be interested in The King’s Son by Darren Harris. Cecily   by Annie Garthwaite

Looking for a juicy, non-fiction book to immerse yourself in during the last days of Winter? We have the perfect recommendation: “Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London: Consumption and Domesticity After the Plague”, our newest addition to the Non-Fiction Library. Written by Katherine French, Professor of History at the University of Michigan, this book is a fascinating look at how every-day people lived and set up their