Wallace Collection Formally Announces Richard III Exhibit The Wallace Collection has released an official press release regarding their forthcoming Richard III exhibition, “The Lost King.”  The American Branch is proud to be a co-sponsor of the exhibit, and by way of thanking us, Toby Capwell will present a special Zoom webinar for our members in the coming months.  (More details TBA!) THE LOST KING, a new feature film from Pathé,

REIMAGINING RICHARD III The American Branch of the Richard III Society is proud to be a sponsor of the Wallace Collection’s upcoming exhibit, “The Lost King: Reimagining Richard III.”  The exhibit will open in September 2022 at Hertford House, the London home of the Wallace Collection.  The date is to coincide with the 10th anniversary of King Richard’s reburial and the UK premiere of the film “The Lost King,” about

New Additions to the Fiction Library The latest additions to the fiction library include two novels about Cecily Neville which take very different approaches in telling her story as well as the latest (and last?) installment in J.P. Reedman’s I, Richard Plantagenet series. If you are in the mood for a rousing adventure story, you may be interested in The King’s Son by Darren Harris. Cecily   by Annie Garthwaite

Some of you may enjoy listening to podcasts, especially when they are about medieval or military history.  If so, we’ve got a great podcast to share with you called “Bow and Blade” and hosted by Professors Michael Livingston and Kelly DeVries, both renowned military historians.  Started in 2021, and available on Apple Podcasts, it has a series of entertaining discussions about battles – famous and infamous – from the Hundred