Morgan McMinn, West Virginia University   The American Branch is pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 Schallek Fellowship, Morgan McMinn of West Virginia University. Morgan attended West Virginia University as an undergraduate where she majored in history and is currently studying for her Ph.D. As a freshman, she took an upper-level history course with Dr. Kate Staples on late medieval England. Inspired by Dr. Staples’s enthusiasm and the

Press Release & FAQ In advance of the publication of Philippa Langley’s new book and documentary, the Richard III Society (UK) has issued a press release and created an FAQ page to summarize the findings of Philippa’s team.  Visit the FAQ page Read the Society Statement on the Princes in the Tower And don’t forget to tune in to the documentary airing in the US on November 22 on your

  What really happened to the Missing Princes? American viewers will have the chance to delve into this unsolved mystery when Philippa’s investigation into the missing princes will be explored on November 22 as part of PBS’s “Secrets of the Dead” series.  Find out if one of history’s greatest cold cases—the imprisonment of two princes in the Tower of London—can finally be solved. Their disappearance led to centuries of mystery