Exclusive Toby Capwell Zoom Lecture We are thrilled to announce an American Branch exclusive event! Dr. Toby Capwell, Curator of Arms at the Wallace collection and consultant for “The Lost King” film, will present a talk to our members on Jan. 22, 2023. The American Branch was a sponsor of the Wallace Collection’s recent exhibit, “The Lost King: Imagining Richard III.” Dr. Capwell’s talk, entitled “The Scoliotic Knight,” will focus
Month: November 2022
GMM: A Resounding Success! After a long hiatus due to Covid-19, the General Membership Meeting of the American Branch of the Richard III Society was held on October 28-30 at the Hyatt Regency Dulles Airport hotel and business center. Thirty-five members and their partners traveled from Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Oklahoma, Ohio, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virgina. An additional twenty members attended by Zoom. This was the