New Additions to the Fiction Library  by Pauline Calkin, Fiction Librarian   Books added to the fiction library in 2023 include the latest volume in Toni Mount’s Seb Foxley medieval mystery series, The Colour of Bone, where Seb’s investigations leads him into the heart of  Richard, Duke of Gloucester’s  household at Crosby Place.   In The Lost Prince, a sequel to Hawker and the King’s Jewel, Ethan Bale gives us another

Morgan McMinn, West Virginia University   The American Branch is pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 Schallek Fellowship, Morgan McMinn of West Virginia University. Morgan attended West Virginia University as an undergraduate where she majored in history and is currently studying for her Ph.D. As a freshman, she took an upper-level history course with Dr. Kate Staples on late medieval England. Inspired by Dr. Staples’s enthusiasm and the

Young scholars present their discoveries at Free Library.  On December 12, the team at the University of Pennsylvania gave a presentation about the work they’ve completed so far on the “Edward IV Roll” and delivered a sneak preview of how their transcription and translation will fit into the digital mapping of the manuscript. The presentation was attended by members of the Special Collections staff at the Free Library of Philadelphia,