Introducing “The Ricardian Herald”! The Branches & Groups department of the UK Richard III Society has created a new magazine by, for, and about Ricardians worldwide. There are over 30 Branches or Groups of the Society within the UK, as well as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and of course our own American Branch. The very first issue was published in February 2023, with plans for new issues to arrive

  Latest publication from the Richard III Society! Many members have heard rumblings…and here it is in print: a new publication of Arthur Kincaid’s magisterial edition of The History of King Richard the Third by Sir George Buc (aka Buck). Sir George’s masterpiece (1619) was written to vindicate King Richard’s actions and career, and even dared to suggest that the sons of Edward IV never met their end at his

Featured at the Mostly British Film Festival! American Ricardians in the San Francisco area will have an opportunity to see “The Lost King” ahead of its March 24 US release date at the annual Mostly British Film Festival.  “The Lost King” will close the Festival on February 16 with a 7:30PM showing.  Tickets may be purchased at the MBFF website. (  

Amy Juarez, University of California Riverside The American Branch is thrilled to announce that the winner of the 2023 Schallek Fellowship is Amy Juarez, a Ph.D. candidate in English Literature at the University of California-Riverside.  The $30,000 fellowship will help support Amy with writing her dissertation next year. Amy writes: My dissertation, entitled “The Poetics of Embodied Architecture in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,” takes as its central concern how