Volunteers Needed for Board Roles
On behalf of the Board of the Richard III Society, American Branch, this is a call for nominations to serve as officers and Directors-At-Large positions. The three new Directors-At-Large positions are contingent on the membership passing the proposed 2022 Bylaws.
(Read the proposed Bylaws here. Member password required; contact membership@r3.org for password.)
The ballot for voting on the 2022 Proposed Bylaws and the officers and directors slate is to be sent out by email on September 15th, 2022 so please send nominations back to me not later than September 9th, 2022. Members may nominate themselves or someone else, with the prior approval of that person, by emailing Membership@r3.org with information about their interest in a particular position and suitability for that position.
Since officers are elected for two-year terms, technically all positions will be standing for election this year (including the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Treasurer and Membership positions in which volunteers are currently serving and have expressed interest in serving for another term). Members may nominate themselves or someone else for the Chair, Treasurer and Membership positions, but these positions do come with some expectations (see paragraphs 6.9, 6.11, and 6.12 of proposed 2022 Bylaws). There are additional qualifications to serve as Chair (see paragraph 6.3 of the proposed 2022 Bylaws). The bottom line is that our most needed nominations are for the Vice Chair, Secretary, and Directors-At-Large. However, eligible nominations for other positions will be added to the ballot for the consideration of our membership. The full listing of each position description is available in the governing documents, Article VI. The most important duty of Board members is to attend bi-monthly Board meetings (currently conducted via Zoom). A summary of the position descriptions for Vice Chair, and Secretary and Directors-At-Large are also shown below:
Duties of the Vice Chair:
Prepare the agenda for Board meetings and for the GMM; Create and send out the Zoom meeting link for virtual meetings; Preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair.
Duties of the Secretary:
To record and keep all minutes of official meetings; To request the Annual Reports from all American Branch Officers and committees, and to ensure that they are distributed to the membership in the Ricardian Register and/or on the website; To send greetings yearly to the Richard III Society, CLG on the occasion of their Annual General Meeting in the UK.
Duties of Directors-At-Large:
There is no set position description for Directors-At-Large beyond attending Board meetings and assisting with special projects. These new “Director-at-Large” positions are ideal for members who may not be prepared to take on specific operating duties but would like to get involved at the “entry-level” and help shape the American Branch’s future.
From my personal experience previously serving as Treasurer, Chair, Immediate Past Chair and now as Membership Chair, serving on the Board is a tremendously satisfying and rewarding experience. Yes, work is involved and a certain measure of devotion to duty is required. Yet, at the end of the day, that work is helping to honor and preserve the reputation of Good King Richard.
If you are having difficulties remembering the password to get to the Members Only area of the website to view the Governing Documents, please let me know by reply email.
Loyaulte Me Lie,